Friday, April 9, 2010

First Morning in Greece

καλημέρα! (good morning! pronounced calimera)

I will probably have less time to blog once I start classes so I'm getting in as much as I can now.
After my last post decided to walk around for a bit before going back to the room and showering. I was out for no more than 15 minutes and lo and behold I ran into Carter and Becky from class. Or rather, I was walking around the Plaka looking rather lost and scattered and I heard Carter shout "Kristina!" They got in earlier yesterday morning and are staying at the Art Gallery, the first hotel we will be staying at once classes start. Didn't get a chance to hang out with them very long, and went to bed at like 5:30 in the afternoon.

Woke up ridiculously early this morning, around 5:30, and bummed around in bed for an hour or so. Got to hang out at watch the city come to life this morning. Went to the hostel's sports bar for breakfast. I don't know what I was imagining, but breakfast included tea and toast with the Greek version of Kraft singles cheese and tomatoes. Almost all exclusively Americans staying at the hostel, most younger than me and I watched as the wait staff cleaned up after them as they left their tables littered with trash and sat with their feet propped on their luggage. I remembered what Bob said about boorish Americans and sighed.

No internet access at the sports bar so I am now enjoying Greek coffee across from the Acropolis museum. Stopped by my first kiosk here to get cigarettes. Even opening the cigarette boxes is different here. Enjoying coffee is different here. You are expected to purchase something, but once you do, they let you stick around as long as you want and there is no hurry for you to leave.

Still no idea what I want to do for the day yet. My cold is mostly under control after a long night of sniffling, coughing and lots and lots of water. Still waiting to hear from Kayla, left her a note this morning that I was at the sports bar and for her to find me, so hopefully we can connect.

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